I somehow managed to squeeze in time on a week day evening to visit a parlor. I have been thinking of getting a pedicure done for quite sometime now. It’s mainly for removing the dead cells and to get a good scrub done rather than for aesthetic reasons.
I was happily sipping a cup of hot tea and glancing through the pages of a women’s magazine. (I would have to accept that it’s the only place I read such magazines! I try to be a little girly girly). A pedicurist was holding my complete leg weight and was giving a good scrub/massage for my feet. She also attended to the minute details of my toe nails. In the middle of her work, she kindly enquired if I was done with my tea, I nodded- she got my cup and kept it safely and continued with her work!
Everytime I return from a parlour, I feel I should not go again for a pedicure. I can very well get my feet soaked on hot water tub with rock salt and vinegar on a daily basis to maintain it properly. For the past one year, I have been trying to put this routine into practice, but somewhere down the line I have been going completely out of track and the cycle of another visit to the pedicure specialist pops-up.
2 days ago
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