May 14, 2012

Comparison Mode

OK - I have to agree having become a mommy of a 45 days old girl, I think I have already got the comparison mentality of comparing Niveditha with other kids of her age group!!!

We went for her vaccination today to the hospital and there were lots of kids born around the same timeframe as Niveditha.  I am in a phobia about weight number currently!! I do lot of math on what average weight gain Nivi should be gaining on a daily basis within 3 months , so that she almost reaches double her birth weight! She didnt gain much weight initially and now slowly picking up! I am happy that she is progressing , but still expectations are high! I saw another baby of the same timeframe and that baby is already 1kg more than niveditha!!

S was pissed off with my comparison mode conversations today in the hospital. Another comparison I did today, was to look at the other new mom's and see how much am I looking fatter/ thinner than them ;)

There is no end to comparison mode I am in currently I guess or Its just that my time out from house between the endless nappy changes and feed sessions  has made me to think so!

I am completely cut out from outside world- be it time for a newspaper or some TV time!!

I was so happy with a short 30 min shopping I did for the first time all alone by myself after almost 9 months  last week,purchasing few stuff for Niveditha! I felt elated to shop for her! :)

I want to get into an exercise routine - I am trying for a 30 min walk in the night. Hopefully Niveditha gets into a better sleep pattern allowing some time for myself and I shall try for getting slowly back to weight before pregnancy if not to my ideal weight number !!