June 20, 2010

Deriving Inspiration...

Inspired by my enthusiasm to bake, S decided to try something by himself !!!! I wondered how it would turn up ;). First of all to think S would even attempt to enter the kitchen on a weekend, is itself a distant dream and so on hearing that he wanted to try something , surprised me!

I made it very clear to him that he gathers all the ingredients at the beginning itself and not come and pester me again and again(as he often does when I ask him to prepare something when I am bored!)

Well, it was probably one of those days, when S was in a lighter mood and so he seemed quite excited to try this out. He hooked himself to his(or rather mine!) ipod and went about with the task of baking nankattai.

He followed the receipe verbatim and landed up preparing some small size balls of the dough he had prepared. Even though, I told him I would not come and disturb him, curiosity got the better of me and I went into the kitchen , only to see S put the small balls on the greased tray !

I told him we need to flatten the balls to get to the shape of the nankatai ! Without any remark, he gladly accepted (i wish he does this more often as he always questions me on everything ; although i must admit most of the time his questioning makes sense !)

Finally he got the tray completed and put it in the oven for baking ! It did turn out well for a first attempt. More so i took some of them over to my grandmother, uncle and aunt who were so thrilled to hear that it was made by the Son-in-law of the house and enjoyed the same.

Wish more of these attempts are made by S - at least i can see him a bit relaxed and enjoy doing something other than sleeping and sitting on the sofa on weekends !
Here goes the receipe of the same.
Refined flour(seived) -1 1/2 cup
Powdered sugar - 3/4 cup
Ghee melted - 1/2 + 1/8 cup
Vanilla essence - 1/8 tsp
1. Grease the drip tray and keep aside
2. Mix together all the ingredients and form a soft dough
3. Divide the dough into equal portions and shape into balls
4. Place the balls on the drip tray.
5. Bake at 160c for 15 min or till the top is light brown in colour
6. Similarly bake the rest of the Nankatais. (S had doubt on this point ! ;))
7. Cool on the wire rack and store in an airtight container.(if anything remains ;))