For those who are wondering about the long silence from my end, I am a little more held up than before as I have joined back my first employer again. It’s been a mixed feeling about going back to the same employer with whom I started my career. Am happy to be back into the place, which groomed me from a fresher out of college to a working professional , this is the place where I learnt technically a lot and understood the domain I currently work on and proudly put in my resume. This is the place which helped me to build close bonding with a selected few of my freshers group which I try to maintain even now. But at the same time, I do get into the mode of comparing with the other places and people I have worked later. Have I lately realized that the world is big and is full of infinite possibilities? GOD- give me the mind to learn to accept things and people’s attitude as it is!
I noticed a picture which I felt like clicking during my first day at this office and sharing with you all. Any recollection of seeing similar type of photo anywhere from you gals!!
Here is a little flashback of another similar context which happened way back in 2007. I had mistakenly been to a gent’s restroom in Singapore airport. Frankly , as far as my memory goes, I think my current office is the first time I am seeing a lady with two plaits as symbol for female restroom. Had I seen this kinda of symbol in Singapore airport(or been even more attentive -should I say late realization), I would not have used a gent’s restroom. To clarify to my fellow readers and avoid any damage to myself, there was no one when I used that gent’s toilet and neither did anyone enter before I left. I felt embarrassed later when I realized that I had used the gent’s restroom!!! From then on, my eye for symbols has increased a lot. I wait and double check the symbol before I enter restroom.